Sunday, 16 March 2014

Final Filming Session

Today was our final filming session where we had to revisit the interrogation and chase sequence. Majority of the time was spent teaching Niro how to hold a gun, this was reminiscent of the poor attempts of Niro trying to punch Chris, poor kid doesn't know how to throw a punch yet :(

The interrogation scene took about 14 takes in only a long shot, this was due to me stopping as Niro kept thinking he was Jesse James or something holding the gun with a certain misguided swagger. I swear, i'm invoicing Niro and Chris after for the acting lessons I gave them.

The chase nearly tragically ended, leaving all hope for an A when I broke Niro's bag in the grab. However, Chris rekindled the fire by fixing the bag bringing back hope into our hearts.

It was nearly over, about 8.30 we were hungry (Chris only had an Aero bar the whole day), we were tired and above all getting lazy. We remembered the token of wisdom Michael gave us stating we need to film all variations of shots in order to ease editing, this added to wear on our tired bodies as we carried on filming like the soldiers we are.

Overall, today was a productive session and it was all summed up by Niro requesting a group hug at the end, to which of course me and Chris politely refused. It was full of references to Niro's acting through 1964 Clint Eastwood, Niro thinking he was John Dillinger, Usian Bolt and my Kanye Westesque pep rally rant "Let's get this A".

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